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[休闲] 美國航空航天局(NASA)太空旅行者聲音 - 行星交響曲

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mechen 发表于 2015-7-14 03:24:59 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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NASA Voyager Space Sounds - Symphonies Of The Planets


Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - NASA Voyager Space Sounds
FLAC @ 418 Kbps, 2 channels | Author: Dr. Jeffrey Thompson | Also included: PDF + Covers | 2.1 GB
Genre: Neuroacoustic / mindset

In 1989, Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson, D.C., B.F.A. was approached by representatives working with NASA and JPL to explore a series of powerful recordings which the Voyager I & II Spacecraft had sent back from Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. These recordings seemed to be having a profound effect on the scientists and researchers who were exposed to them. Dr. Thompson was approached as an expert in the field of sound and healing, and especially in his work with "Primordial Sounds.” Primordial sounds are human body sounds and nature sounds formatted in special ways to cause a deep response in the subconscious mind. These are extremely useful in all levels of healing.

Includes all 10 original NASA Voyager Space Recordings, The Space Sounds Music, and Symphonies Of The Planets 5-disc set in FLAC format.       

Rings Of Uranus
Saturn's Rings
Space Sounds Music
Song Of Earth
Sphere Of Io
Voice Of Earth

Although space is a virtual vacuum, this does not mean there is no sound in space. Sound does exist as electromagnetic vibrations. The specially designed instruments on board the various space probes used Plasma Wave antenna to record the vibrations used here, all within the range of human hearing (20-20,000 CPS). Special thanks to our friends and contacts at various U.S National Space Agencies and Universities. This Space Recording Series is dedicated to the memory of Fred Scarf, PhD, who developed the acoustic recording project for Voyager and is directly responsible for the sounds you hear on these recordings from space. Interactions between the Solar Wind and the planets, moons and rings of our Solar System create "Soundscapes" of frequencies in the plasma energy "Ocean" that fills the void of space. Each planet, moon and ring system has a distinctive "musical" pattern.


Celestial Love Songs:

Prepare yourself to experience the real "Music of the Spheres" when you listen to the sampling of the eleven different CDs in this series. These beautiful and mysterious recordings will touch primordial and mystical chords in the heart of your subconscious and intone the connection of your body*heart*mind*spirit with the larger body*heart*mind*spirit of the Universe.

Interactions between the Solar Wind and the planets, moons and rings of our Solar System create "Soundscapes" of frequencies in the plasma energy "Ocean" that fills the void of space. Each planet, moon and ring system has a distinctive "musical" pattern. In putting samplings of each on this CD, Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, DC, B.F.A enables us to hear what can rightly be called "Celestial Love Songs." It is beautiful and powerful!


The sounds used on these recordings were taken from NASA Voyager I & II. Jupiter, the fifth planet from the sun is the largest and most massive planet in the Solar System. In mass alone, it is three hundred times the mass of Earth. Jupiter is mostly composed of hydrogen and helium. The entire planet is made of gas, with no solid surface under the atmosphere. The pressures and temperatures deep in Jupiter are so high that gases form a gradual transition into liquids which are gradually compressed into a metallic "plasma" in which the molecules have been stripped of their outer electrons, The winds of Jupiter are a thousand meters per second relative to the rotating interior. Jupiter's magnetic field is four thousand times stronger than Earth's, and is tipped by 11° degrees of axis spin. This causes the magnetic field to wobble, which has a profound effect on trapped electronically charged particles. This plasma of charged particles is accelerated beyond the magnetosphere of Jupiter to speeds of tens of thousands of kilometres per second. It is these magnetic particle vibrations which generate some of the sounds you hear on this recording.


Voyagwe II encountered Miranda, the innermost moon of Uranus, on January 24, 1986. Miranda is the smallest of the Uranian satellites, just 300 miles in diameter. Miranda's surfce consists of two strikingly different types of terrain: one is heavily cratered and rolling, the other is complex with dark bands, ridges, and huge canyons. The cliffs of one of these canyons are 9 miles high.


Voyager II swept past the Neptune system on August 24-25, 1989. Neptune's atmosphere proved surprisingly active, with wind velocities clocked at over 700 MPH. This dynamic climactic activity is powered by Neptune's internal heat, which provides over twice as much energy as the feeble sunlight that the planet receives. Neptune has eight moons and three rings, as well as a highly tilted and offset magnetic field. Neptune's electromagnetic environment is surprising. It is inclined to the planetary axis by 47°. Periodic pulses of radio energy were also recorded, generated by rotation of the planet's deep interior. Neptune's lovely blue color is a result of methane, helium and hydrogen gasses in its atmosphere. The picture of Neptune on the cover of this CD features the great dark spot, which is accompanied by white clouds that undergo rapid changes in appearance. To the south of the great dark spot is the bright feature that scientist's nicknamed "scooter". Still further to the south is the feature called "Dark Spot 2", which has a bright core.


Rings Of Uranus:
Voyager II encountered the planet Uranus and discovered its Rings in January, 1986. One startling aspect of Uranus is that its axis of rotation is inclined 97° 54 min from its orbital plane. Uranus lies on its side, with its rings vertical. Of the 9 rings of Uranus, six are inclined with respect to the planet's equatorial plane. The shape of several rings seem to pulsate slightly differently from the others: one quot;breathesquot; in and out, while another changes its eccentricity somewhat over time. Visual and radio observations revealed the nine classical Rings of Uranus to be composed mainly of meter-sized boulders and to contain scarcely any dust particles. The ring strands are among the darkest objects in the solar system. Such dark color may result from magnetosphereic bombardment of surfaces that contain organic molecules. An extended corona of atomic and molecular hydrogen extends through the entire ring network of Uranus. Sunlight interactions with the corona cause it to radiate ultraviolet light - a phenomenon called "electroglow".


Voyager I & II's 1980 encounter with Saturn revealed many dynamic details of this giant gas planet. Vast weather patterns across the face of Saturn in orange tang and white are the results of equatorial wind velocities of 1800 kilometers per hour. Saturn is second in size only to Jupiter. Saturn's magnetopause (its electromagnetic envelope) has a magnetic tail which extends away from the sun. Saturn's magnetic field traps charged particles coming from the solar wind. Some of these interactions were recorded within the 20-20,000 hertz range, the range of human hearing, and are the ones you hear on this recording. Enhanced images revealed a subtle bright spot in Saturn's north tropical zone. There was also a large oval feature in the southern hemisphere with certain similarities to the great red spot on Jupiter. The awesome magnetic and charged particle environment of Saturn plus its ionic interactions with it rings as well as free radio wave emissions from its ionosphere, contributed to the astounding variety of sounds on this recording.


Saturn's Rings:
Saturn Rings is the most soothing space sound recording. Its deep, throbbing vibrations seem to resonate directly into your bones, with layers of 3-dimensional sound majestically moving around and through you. Saturn is a giant gas planet which has no solid surface beneath the clouds. The solid material of the planet is in orbit and is known as its rings. Its an "inside-out" planet, so to speak. Saturn's disk casts a shadow across its ring system. The visible side of the rings is directly illuminated by the sun. The broad dark band in the rings separates the outer A ring from the inner B ring. The C ring is much fainter and closer to the planet. The narrow F ring is just barely visible outside the A ring. Saturn's Rings are 270,000 km in diameter, but only a few hundred meters thick. Particles are centimeters to decameters in size and are ice. Some may be covered with ice. There are traces of silicate and carbon minerals. There are four main ring groups and three more faint, narrow ring groups separated by gaps called divisions. Voyager I & II passed by Saturn on November 12, 1980, and on August 15, 1981, respectively. There are many hundreds of Rings which make up the spectacular bands around Saturn. They have been classified into four sections: The C-Ring appears blue; the B-Ring appears brown and green, the Cassini Division appears dark blue and the A-Ring appears gray. Saturn is a gas giant ball of mostly hydrogen and helium. High winds whip clouds into bright bands across the face of Saturn in tan, orange and ochre. The Rings span a distance equal to the distance between the earth and moon.


Space Sounds Music:
The sounds used on this CD are recordings taken directly from the NASA Voyager I & II Space Probes as they passed near different planetary and moon bodies within our solar system. Each "instrument" you hear on this CD is actually the recording of a Voyager planet recording compressed electronically down to its fundamental harmonic frequency. At this range, the space recordings sound like unique musical instruments.


Song Of Earth:
These space sounds of Earth were recorded by the Injun I, Hawkeye, IMP I, and ISEE I space probes. On this recording Dr. Jeffrey Thompson and Richard Stamper, Co-Founder and Researchers at Brain/Mind Research, have used these space sound recordings to form a lyrical, composed soundscape of hunting beauty as a tribute to our home planet. The entire recording is an "arranged Composition" of recordings from Earth Orbit.


Sphere Of Io:
The sounds used on these recordings were taken from NASA Voyager I & II. Voyager II passed by Jupiter & its smallest moon, IO on July 9, 1979. IO is one of only two moons in the solar system known to have volcanic activity. Jupiter is a giant gas ball of mostly hydrogen & helium.


Each planet, moon and ring system has a distinctive "musical" pattern. Listening to this unusual recording has a mysteriously relaxing effect. After a long hard day, you can bring your brainwaves into a slower and meditative state. In 1989, Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson, D.C., B.F.A. was approached by representatives working with NASA and JPL to explore a series of powerful recordings which the Voyager I & II Spacecraft had sent back from Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. These recordings seemed to be having a profound effect on the scientists and researchers who were exposed to them. Dr. Thompson was approached as an expert in the field of sound and healing, and especially in his work with "Primordial Sounds.a
资料真不错: 2.5
资料真不错: 4
发表于 2015-7-14 11:41
资料真不错: 1
发表于 2015-7-14 10:13


参与人数 1灵石 +8 收起 理由
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