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[其他] Office Tab Enterprise 9.81 Multilingual (x86x64)

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mechen 发表于 2015-6-16 11:05:58 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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Office Tab Enterprise 9.81 Multilingual (x86/x64)

ffice Tab是一款Microsoft Office多标签插件,方便用户在不同的文档之间切换,提高您使用Microsoft Office办公的效率。Office Tab给Word、Excel、PowerPoint、Project及Visio添加了标签功能,有了标签栏窗口界面,您可以在一个视窗中打开多个标签文档。每一个文档在视窗中以一个标签的形式出现,一键即可进入。支持Microsoft Office 2013 、2010、2007、2003版本。

Office Tab Enterprise 9.81 Multilingual(x86/x64) | 26 MB

ExtendOffice.com company introduced a new version of its small but very usefulutility called Office Tab 7 The principle of Office Tab is relatively simple,but no less effective - the windows open documents are displayed in theinterface of Office applications as tabs open pages in modern browsers.

With the standard versions of Microsoft® Office, you cannot view and editmultiple files within a single tabbed window. Office Tab changes this byintroducing a tabbed user interface - as seen in web browsers such as InternetExplorer® 8, Firefox and Google Chrome - in Microsoft Office 2013, 2010, 2007,2003 and Office 365 (Word, Excel®, PowerPoint®, Publisher®, Access®, Projectand Visio®).

More Powerful Features

Plenty of Shortcuts

Office Tab supports plenty of built-in as well as user-defined shortcuts tohandle the tabs, hide/display the Tab Bar, switch between tabs, and selectspecific tabs. Personalized shortcuts are easy to assign.

Show / Hide the Tab Bar
You can place the Tab Bar on the top, bottom, right or left side of yourworkspace. You can even hide the Tab Bar when there is only one tab. You mayalso show or hide the Tab Bar using a customizable shortcut key (the defaultshortcut key is “Win + Q”).

Open Documents
The Context Menu contains the following options: "Open," "Openin New Window," and "Open Folder." It's easy to open an existingfile or folder, and open more than one tabbed window.

All-in-one Settings Center
Office Tab has a powerful Settings Center, where you can configure all OfficeTab settings. You can use the Tab Center to manipulate all your settings suchas enabling/disabling the tab separately, using shortcuts (or not), displayingthe Tab Bar on the top, bottom, left or right position, choosing the Tab Style,and customizing the tab colors.

Create New Document
You can quickly create a New Document by double-clicking the left button on theblank space of the Tab Bar, or choose to use the "New" command itemon the Context Menu.

Save Documents
"Save" and "Save All" commands on the Context Menu can beused to save all the documents with just one click. Office Tab marks themodified documents or workbooks with an asterisk (*) in their file names toindicate their modified status.

Close Documents
The Context Menu also contains the following options: "Close,""Close All," and "Close Other,” offering users flexibility inclosing the opened documents. Double-clicking the left button on the tab orclicking the middle mouse button will quickly close the opened document.

Customize Tab Length
The tab length can be set to automatic, self-adaptive, or fixed (the defaultlength is “automatic”). Automatic shows as much of the file name as possible.Self-adaptive shows the file name depending on the space available on a tab.With fixed tab length, all the tabs have the same length.

Home Page - http://www.extendoffice.com/


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谢谢分享:Office Tab Enterprise 9.81 Multilingual
阿谢克那·李 发表于 2015-6-18 16:25:33 | 查看全部
Office Tab Enterprise 9.81 Multilingual (x86x64)


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