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Esri ArcGIS Desktop 10.3.1 ArcGIS Explorer Desktop是一个由ArcGIS forServer提供强大支持的新的空间信息浏览器;它提供一种免费的,快速并且使用简单的方式浏览地理信息,无论是2D还是3D的信息;并提供了强大的对数据的查询和分析任务。 ArcGIS Explorer Desktop是通过访问ArcGIS forServer提供的强大的完整的GIS功能,整合了GIS数据集与基于服务器的空间处理功能,提供了空间处理和3D服务。ArcGIS Explorer Desktop是也可以使用本地数据和ArcIMS的服务,ArcWeb Services,OGC WMS和KML,具有开发性和互操作能力。ArcGIS Explorer Desktop是可以被任何个人和专业人员下载和使用。 通过ArcGISExplorer Desktop是,我们可以: · 无缝的以2D和3D方式浏览整个世界的数据 · 集成本地数据以及来自ArcGIS for Server,ArcIMS的服务和数据,OGC WMS或ArcWeb Services · 通过任务进行GIS分析,如可视化分析,建模,邻域查找和统计分析 · 以地图的方式回答跟地理相关的问题,并与他人共享你的结果 · 使用自有的服务器上的数据和地图,并与其他服务器上的数据联合使用
ArcGIS 10.2新特性全面来袭 -ArcGIS Online功能新突破,迈进真正云PaaS平台 -Portal for ArcGIS开启GIS应用新模式 -ArcGIS for Server具备大数据实时分析和处理能力 -ArcGIS移动产品重磅出击,支持离线编辑和分析 -桌面功能和性能全面提升,大数据支持能力彰显 -ArcGIS三维功能极大提升,与CityEngine深度集成 -影像数据支持显著增强,实现国产卫星影像的支持 -灵活多样的扩展能力和一体化的资源入口
Esri ArcGIS Desktop 10.3.1 | 893.7 mb
Esri has released an update for AcrGIS 10.3. This major release that will helpyou discover, make, use, and share maps from any device, anywhere, at any time.ArcGIS 10.3 includes new apps and enhancements that will boost your efficiencyand extend the impact of your work in your organization.
There are lots of ways to make a map. But if people use your maps to makedecisions that save money, time, or even lives, then you need to put science towork for you. Use ArcGIS for Desktop to build maps with up-to-date data,combined with deep analysis, and share them where they’ll have the most impact.
ArcGIS 10.3.1 Issues Addressed List: http://support.esri.com/patches-servicepacks/
About Ersi
When Esri was founded in 1969, we realized even then that geographicinformation system (GIS) technology could make a difference in society. Workingwith others who shared this passion, we were encouraged by the vastpossibilities of GIS.
Today, our confidence in GIS is built on the belief that geography matters—itconnects our many cultures and societies and influences our way of life. GISleverages geographic insight to ensure better communication and collaboration.
As you explore our Web site, you'll discover how our customers have obtainedthe geographic advantage by using Esri software to address social, economic,business, and environmental concerns at local, regional, national, and globalscales. We hope you will be inspired to join the Esri community in using GIS tocreate a better world.
Name: Esri ArcGIS Desktop
Version: 10.3.145699
Home: www.esri.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7even / 8 / 8.1
Size: 893.7 mb