UCS-66 (a)(1)(-a) (-a) for butt joints except those in flat heads and tubesheets, the nominal thickness of the thickest welded joint [see Figure UCS-66.3 sketch (a)]; 中“the thickest welded joint”翻译成“最厚件的公称厚度”,容易引起误解。个人认为应翻译成“最厚的焊接接头的公称厚度”,然后加注释,对“焊接接头的公称厚度”给出定义,如:若对接接头中两相焊者厚度相等,则公称厚度为焊件的公称厚度;若对接接头中两相焊者厚度不相等,则为较厚件的公称厚度(该句后半句供参考)。
ENDNOTES(尾注)中第36条原文:36 The maximum allowable working pressure may be assumed to be the same as the design pressure when calculations are not made to determine the maximum allowable working pressure.