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[行业] ASME标准与认证更新-2018年秋季版

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道祖 发表于 2018-11-28 15:28:20 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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What’s New最新动态·  ASME Launches New Standards Overview Video on ASME.org   ASME在官方网站(www.asme.org)上发布了关于ASME标准情况介绍的新版视频·  ASME Foundation Awards First Standards & Certification Scholarship
   ASME基金会授予了ASME标准与认证的首批奖学金·  ASME Participates in the National Association of Elevator Contractors Expo   ASME参加了美国电梯承包商协会博览会·  Expansion of Manufacturing and Advanced Manufacturing Activities   ASME扩大了在制造和先进制造方面的活动范围·  Upcoming ASME Standards Activities in Conferences and Symposium   ASME即将召开有关标准方面的会议与活动
GLOBAL OUTREACH全球推广Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section IX Germany International Working Group Organizes Kick off  Meeting锅炉及压力容器规范第IX卷德国国际工作组启动会议在杜塞尔多夫召开

LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT学习与发展Interested in broadening your technical know-how? Download the ASME Learning & Development course catalogue or the Autumn 2018 course calendar - or visit us on the web如果对扩大你的技术知识感兴趣?请下载ASME学习与开发的课程目录或2018秋季课程日历,或者访问官方网站进行查询(https://www.asme.org/shop/courses/asme-training-development)
SPOTLIGHT ON - PUBLICATION OF FIRST EDITION ASME STANDARDS焦点关注-首次发布的ASME标准SRB-1 Design, Installation, Maintenance, and Application of Ball Slewing Ring BearingsSRB-1 ASME球式回转支承轴承的设计、安装、维护及应用V&V 40 Assessing Credibility of Computational Modeling through Verification and Validation: Application to Medical DevicesV&V 40 通过验证和确认来评估计算机模型的可靠性: 应用于医疗设备
NEW AND REVISED STANDARDS新的与修订的标准PTB-11Guide for ASME BPVC Section I Stamp HoldersA112Macerating Toilet Systems and Waste-Pumping Systems for Plumbing  FixturesPTC 36Measurement of Industrial NoiseB31.1Power PipingB16.50Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Braze-Joint Pressure FittingsASSE 1070/ASME  A112.1070/CSA B125.70Performance Requirements for Water Temperature Limiting Devices (with  Update No.1)ASSE 1037/ASME  A112.1037/CSA B125.37Performance  Requirements for Pressurized Flushing Devices for Plumbing Fixtures (with  Update No.1)ASSE 1002/ASME  A112.1002/CSA B125.12Anti-Siphon Fill Valves for Water Closet Tanks (with Update No.1)B16.26Cast Copper Alloy Fittings for Flared Copper TubesB16.14Ferrous Pipe Plugs, Bushings, and Locknuts with Pipe ThreadsB36.19MStainless Steel PipeB16.22Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder-Joint Pressure FittingsB16.51Copper and Copper Alloy Press-Connect Pressure FittingsQEI-1Standard for the Qualification of Elevator InspectorsCSD-1Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired BoilersB36.10MWelded and Seamless Wrought Steel PipeB20.1Safety Standard for Conveyors and Related EquipmentB16.15Cast Copper Alloy Threaded Fittings: Classes 125 and 250B16.9Factory–Made Wrought Buttwelding FittingsB31.8Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping SystemsSee full listing of recently published standards请参见最新发布标准的完整清单
ASME STANDARDS TECHNOLOGY LLC PUBLICATIONSSee full listing of ASME Standards Technology Publications请参见ASME标准技术出版物的完整清单 ASME STANDARDS OPEN FOR ANSI PUBLIC REVIEWASME标准在ANSI公开征求意见Public comments may be submitted on proposed new ASME Standards drafts and on proposals to revise, reaffirm, or withdraw approval of existing ASME Standards.公开征求意见可以是针对于新的ASME标准草案,以及对现有ASME标准的修订、再确认或撤销申请的建议。A120.1Safety Requirements for Powered  Platforms and Traveling Ladders and Gantries for Building MaintenanceB1.20.1Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch)B18.2.6Fasteners for  Use in Structural ApplicationsB31.12Hydrogen Piping and PipelinesBPVC Section IIIRules for Construction of Nuclear Facility ComponentsY14.47Model Organization PracticesPublic Review of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Proposed Revisions公众审查锅炉压力容器规范的修订建议See full listing of ASME standards open for ANSI Public Review请参阅ASME标准开放ANSI公众审查的完整清单
NEW STANDARDS PROJECTS IN DEVELOPMENT开发新标准项目New Standards Projects are either first time editions or revisions of existing standards that are not on continuous maintenance.新的标准项目指的是首次版本或者是对于那些已经停止更新的现有标准的再次修订。See full listing of New Standards Projects in development请参见新标准项目的完整清单
CALENDAR OF EVENTS会议预告All meetings of ASME standards developing committees are free and open to the public.ASME标准委员会的所有会议对公众都是免费和开放的。V&V 30 Verification and Validation in Computational Simulation of Nuclear System Thermal Fluids  Behavior Committee Meeting
Nov 29 – Nov 30 2018  |  Atlanta, Georgia, United StatesA17 Escalator &  Moving Walk Committee Meeting
Dec 05 2018  |  West Palm Beach, Florida, United StatesOperation and  Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plant (OM) Standards Committee
Dec 11 – Dec 14 2018  |   Clearwater Beach, Florida, United StatesV&V 60 Verification and Validation of  Computational Modeling in Energy Systems Subcommittee Meeting
Dec 13 – Dec 14 2018  |  Houston, Texas, United StatesA17 Elevator Code Week
Jan 07 – Jan 10 2019 |  Clearwater Beach, Florida, United StatesBioprocessing Equipment (BPE) Committee MeetingsJan 14 – Jan  17 2019  |  Fort  Lauderdale, Florida, United StatesB31.1 Section Committee on Power Piping
Jan 21 – Jan 23 2019  |  New Orleans, Louisiana, United  StatesB31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping System Meeting
Jan 22 – Jan 24 2019  |  Clearwater Beach, Florida, United  StatesA112/CSA Committee on Plumbing Material and Equipment Joint Meetings
Jan 28 – Jan 31 2019  |  Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United  StatesB31 Qualification of Pipeline Personnel Technical  Committee
Feb 20 – Feb 21 2019  |  San Diego, California, United StatesSee full meeting calendar请参见所有会议日程


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发表于 2018-12-3 08:30


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