The AI / AIS shall be in the regular employment of an AIA.
AIS have the overall responsibility for carrying out inspection activities and to monitor the performance of the AIs.
The inspection required by ASME BPVC shall be by an AI / ANI employed by an ASME accredited AIA, that is, the ins-
pection organization of a state or municipality of the United States, a Canadian province, or of an insurance company
authorized to write boiler and pressure vessel insurance. These AIs shall have been qualified by written examination un-
der the rules of any state of the United States or province of Canada which has adopted the Code.
As a condition of obtaining and maintaining a Certificate of Authorization to use the Certification Mark with the “x” ------
Designator, the Manufacturer or Assembler must have in force at all times, an inspection contract or agreement with an
AIA to provide inspection services.