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[其他] 終極化學生物設計軟體 (化工在校生或有親戚好友子女在學中的利器)

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mechen 发表于 2015-5-12 21:12:58 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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PerkinElmerChemOffice Professional v15.0.0

PerkinElmerChemOffice Professional v15.0.0 | 335 Mb

ChemOffice Professional is a scientifically intelligent, integrated suite ofpersonal productivity tools that enables scientists and researchers to capture,store, retrieve and share data and information on compounds, reactions,materials and their properties. ChemOffice Professional helps chemists andbiologists to efficiently keep track of their work, visualize and gain a deeperunderstanding of their results and correlate biological activity with chemicalstructures.

ChemOffice® Professional 15.0 is very helpful in documenting chemical processesand drug substances for regulatory and patent filings. This innovative suitemakes drawing correct and chemically intelligent structures and syntheticschemes intuitively easy.

ChemOffice® Professional 15.0 combines ChemDraw Professional, Chem3D,ChemFinder, ChemScript, GAMESS, Chem3D interfaces to Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC,Autodock and Conflex, ChemBioViz, ChemDraw/Excel, and CombiChem/Excel, ChemDrawand Chem3D ActiveX Pro Plugins and Controls in the world’s premier desktopsuite designed for chemists and biologists.

ChemOffice Professional includes the following applications:
- ChemDraw Professional is used by hundreds of thousands of scientists aroundthe world to quickly and effectively draw molecules, reactions and biologicalentities and pathways for use in documents and electronic lab notebooks; tosearch databases, now including SciFinder; to generate accurate names fromstructures; and to predict properties and spectra.
- ChemDraw for Excel adds chemical intelligence to Excel spreadsheets so thatchemists can use Excel’s analysis, sorting and organization tools to furthermanipulate and enrich sets of compounds and data and explore structure-activityrelationships.
- Chem3D generates 3D models so that chemists can view their compounds in threedimensions to assess shape and properties to maximize activity or specificity.Chem3D also includes GAMESS and interfaces to other computational toolsincluding Gaussian, MOPAC, Conflex and Autodock.
- ChemFinder is a chemically-intelligent personal database system thatscientists use to organize their compounds and to search for and correlate structureswith properties and to transform data into easy to understand visualizations,cluster maps and ideal compound profiles to easily discern structure-activityrelationships.
- ChemFinder for Office scans files and directories for chemical structures andcan be used to search documents by structure to locate compounds of interest.
- ChemScript is scripting language that exposes the underlying chemicalstructure processing power of ChemOffice to developers who want to manipulatestructures and automate processes.
- CDSL Mobile is a site-deployable version of ChemDraw for iPad for SiteSubscription customers.
- ChemDraw Direct is a zero-download JavaScript version of ChemDraw for use inadding chemical intelligence to web applications. It is the sketcher used inPerkinElmer Informatics Elements cloud-based collaboration platform and isavailable to Site Subscription customers.

The tight integration that ChemOffice Professional provides between thesechemistry and biology applications enhances their individual value by enablingcross functional R&D teams to easily share files and documents andtherefore communicate and collaborate more effectively.

ChemOffice Professional enhances scientists' personal productivity and helpsthem do better science by enabling them to organize and explore theircompounds, reactions, materials and associated properties so that data can beturned into actionable information, and decisions can be made with greaterconfidence.

Home Page - https://www.cambridgesoft.com/Ensemble_for_Chemistry/ChemOffice/ChemOfficeProfessional/
ChemBioOffice Ultra化學家和生物學家所需要最終極的化學與生物學設計軟體。

ChemBioOffice Ultra        允許科學家高效率地跟蹤他們的工作,獲取對資料的更加深刻的理解,並關聯生物活動以化學結構,能更加專業地和高效率地提出相關科學報告。

美國劍橋公司最新版本 ChemBioOffice Ultra是世界上最優秀的化學生物設計軟體,集強大的應用功能於一身,為您提供了優秀的化學輔助系統,使您的研究工作達到一個新的高度。ChemBioOfficeUltra包括 ChemBioDraw Ultra 學生物結構繪圖、ChemBio3D Ultra 分子模型及仿真、ChemFinder Ultra學資訊搜尋整合系統等一系列完整的軟體。可以將化合物名稱直接轉為結構圖,省去繪圖的麻煩。也可以對已知結構的化合物命名,給出正確的化合物名稱。



参与人数 1灵石 +8 收起 理由
阿谢克那·李 + 8 资料文件共享!




87737352Lv.6 发表于 2015-5-12 22:05:28 | 查看全部
fgh222Lv.6 发表于 2015-5-13 00:26:39 | 查看全部
yuwenLv.8 发表于 2015-5-13 08:05:19 | 查看全部
niuwaLv.6 发表于 2015-5-13 08:15:11 | 查看全部
jx2gwLv.6 发表于 2015-5-13 08:20:43 | 查看全部
qihui765782Lv.5 发表于 2015-5-13 08:42:53 | 查看全部
阿谢克那·李 发表于 2015-5-14 12:32:03 | 查看全部
終極化學生物設計軟體 (化工在校生或有親戚好友子女在學中的利器)
junigerLv.4 发表于 2015-5-15 16:40:23 | 查看全部
lfb511Lv.3 发表于 2015-5-15 16:56:47 | 查看全部


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