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[娱乐] 暑期強檔:樂高軟件免米力下載

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mechen 发表于 2015-7-4 16:48:05 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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本帖最后由 mechen 于 2015-7-4 18:05 编辑


NILEGO Education为小学生开发低价位机器人设计平台
美商国家仪器(National InstrumentsNI)LEGO Education持续透过新的LEGO Education WeDo教育机器人平台,合作研发教育机器人。该平台由NI LabVIEW图形化设计软件提供相关功能,同时LEGO Education WeDo Software也是1种拖曳式的图形架构设计环境,可让711岁的孩童轻松设计出自己的机器人。透过WeDo软件,孩童在设计机器人应用的同时,也可学习基本的程序设计技术。

教师可将WeDo概念整合至广泛的课程领域,如科学、科技、数学、语言与相关知识。当设计机器人应用时,学生即开始使用创造力、团队合作与问题解决能力,而这些启发式的训练,均为培养未来竞争优势的必要技术。WeDo软件可用于执行Windows XPIntel Classmate PCLinux OSOne Laptop per Child XO,以及支持Windows XPWindows Vista (32)的计算机,或执行Apple Macintosh 10.5Mac

该平台可视为1个嵌入式的系统设计环境。LEGO Education的研发长Lars Nyengaard表示,透过LEGO Education WeDo软件的交互式接口,并整合LEGO的模型建置经验,架构起实际与虚拟世界之间的桥梁,提供绝佳的实机操作学习经验。

LEGOEducation WeDo可让教师提出课程范围之内的难题,让学生设法解决。孩童们可分组合作开发自己的解决方案,建立LEGO模型并进行程序设计,完成特定的工作。模型与计算机相互整合,可提升因果关系的学习效果;就像是科学家在实验室中工作一般,孩童也可实时测试并调整自己的程序。

NI学术关系副总经理Ray Almgren表示,该公司致力于开发实机操作的学习架构,以启发学生成为未来的工程师,同时10年来也与LEGO Education不断合作,强化产业与教育机器人的工具集。

1998年的ROBOLAB活动时,NI即已LEGO Education开始合作,由LabVIEW 提供软件功能,并由塔夫斯大学(Tufts University)的工程教育推广中心(Center for Engineering Educational Outreach)进行开发,最后诞生了LEGO MINDSTORMS机器人核心设计软件。2006年双方更合作开发仍为目前版本的LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT机器人,让学生可拥有最新的硬件与软件设计技术,建立进阶的自动化机器人。

LEGO Education WeDo 8+ with Projects CurriculumPack

LEGO Education WeDo 8+ with Projects Curriculum Pack | 2.6 Gb

Take learning with LEGO Education WeDo to thenext level with this fun and challenging Amusement Park and Construction Sitethemed set. Using the drag-and-drop intuitive programming environment thatstudents are already familiar with, WeDo 8+ Projects features 6 advancedactivities and 4 open-ended problem solving exercises. With enough material forup to 30 lessons, including worksheets and teacher notes, WeDo 8+ Projects isideal for developing understanding of a wide range of STEM topics.

Key Learning Values:

- Covers a range of curriculum relevant STEMtopics
- Relates to real life
- Ideal for cross-curricular teaching andproject work
- Builds understanding of technology
- Added emphasis to key language


About LEGO Education

Learning is at the very core of the LEGO Group’svalues.We created LEGO Education to deliver teacher-tested, classroom –readysolutions for engaging and inspiring young learners. LEGO Education combinesthe unique, inspiring qualities of LEGO bricks with subject-specific tools andcurricula so classroom teachers can meet key learning objectives. It’s a LEGOway to teach!

At LEGO Education, we work with teachers andclassrooms every day to help support educational experiences that will preparetoday’s students for tomorrow’s world.

Name: 2009585 LEGO Education WeDo
Version: 8+ with Projects Curriculum Pack
Home: http://education.lego.com/
Interface: multilanguage
OS: Windows/ MacOsx
System Requirements: 9580 LEGO Education WeDo Construction Set, 9585LEGO Education WeDo Resource Set and 2000097 LEGO Education WeDo Software andCurriculum Pack
Size: 2.6 Gb



参与人数 2灵石 +16 收起 理由
yuwen + 8 资料文件共享!
dives4shen + 8 非常适合有小孩的人




mechen楼主Lv.8 发表于 2015-7-4 16:49:55 | 查看全部
LEGO Education WeDo Software 1.2.2
LEGO Education WeDo Software 1.2.2 | 1.1 Gb

Easy-to-use software and 12 theme-based activities for the WeDo ConstructionSet in one package! The drag-and-drop software 1.2, powered by LabVIEW, is iconbased, provides an intuitive programming environment, includes a programmingblock and support for the Power Functions Light, and features a digital GettingStarted Guide with building tips and programming examples.

Activities are divided into four themes – Amazing Mechanisms, Wild Animals,Play Soccer, and Adventure Stories – and provide up to 24 hours of instructionand project-based learning. Teacher notes, glossary, and building instructionsincluded. When the software and activity pack are used with the WeDoConstruction Set, students will:

- Use software to program, design, and create a working model.
- Use software to acquire information. Use feedback to adjust a programmingsystem output.
- Work with simple machines: gears, levers, pulleys, and transmission ofmotion.

About LEGO Education

Learning is at the very core of the LEGO Group’s values.We created LEGOEducation to deliver teacher-tested, classroom –ready solutions for engagingand inspiring young learners. LEGO Education combines the unique, inspiringqualities of LEGO bricks with subject-specific tools and curricula so classroomteachers can meet key learning objectives. It’s a LEGO way to teach!

At LEGO Education, we work with teachers and classrooms every day to helpsupport educational experiences that will prepare today’s students fortomorrow’s world.

Name: LEGO Education WeDo Software
Version: 1.2.2
Home: www.legoeducation.us
Interface: multilanguage
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven
Size: 1.1 Gb

链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1sj5KdGT 密码:yyp2

mechen楼主Lv.8 发表于 2015-7-4 18:07:00 | 查看全部
dives4shen 发表于 2015-7-4 17:38

AudreyLv.4 发表于 2015-7-4 18:40:32 | 查看全部
FlashLv.7 发表于 2015-7-4 19:45:12 | 查看全部
乐高机器人软件 来支持一下
fgh222Lv.6 发表于 2015-7-5 01:25:09 | 查看全部
yuwenLv.8 发表于 2015-7-5 05:24:21 | 查看全部
xiaoping4509Lv.4 发表于 2015-7-5 10:58:11 | 查看全部
东北以北Lv.4 发表于 2015-7-6 15:52:23 | 查看全部
huameiLv.4 发表于 2015-7-9 11:54:25 | 查看全部
下一份给 小侄玩,谢谢楼主


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