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本帖最后由 jamesMMFRP 于 2014-6-19 06:07 编辑
SCENE: The Oval Office. George Bush and Condolezza Rice.
场景:(美国白宫)椭圆办公室,(美国前总统)乔治•布什 和 (美国前国家安全顾问)康多里扎•赖斯。
George: Cond! Nice to see you. What's happening?
Condi: Sir, I have the report about the new leader of China.
George: Great. Let's hear it.
Condi: Hu is the new leader of China.
George: That's what I want to know.
Condi: That's what I'm telling you.
George: That's what I'm asking you, who is the new leader of China?
Condi: Yes.
George: I mean the fellow's name.
Condi: Hu.
George: The guy in China.
Condi: Hu.
George: The new leader of China.
Condi: Hu.
George: The Chinese.
Condi: Hu is leading China.
George: Now whaddya' asking me for?
Condi: I'm telling you Hu is leading China.
George: Well, I'm asking you, who is leading China?
Condi: That's the man's name.
George: That's whose name?
Condi: Yes.
George: Will you or will you not tell me the name of the new leader of China?
Condi: Yes, Sir.
George: Yassir? You mean Arafat is in China? I thought he was in the Middle East.
Condi: That's correct.
George: Then who is in China?
Condi: Yes, Sir.
George: Yassir is in China?
Condi: No, Sir.
George: Then who is?
Condi: Yes, Sir.
George: Yassir?
Condi: No, Sir.
George: Look, Condi. I need to know the name of the new leader of China, Get me the Secretary General of the U.N. on the phone, I bet he knows.
Condi: Kofi?
George: No, thanks.
Condi: You want Kofi?
George: No!!
Condi: You don't want Kofi.
George: No, but now that you mention it, I could use a glass of milk. And then get me the U.N.
Condi: Yes, Sir.
George: Not Yassir! The guy at the U.N.
Condi: Kofi?
George: No, milk! Will you please make the call?
Condi: Call who?
George: Who is the guy at the U.N.?
Condi: Hu is the guy in China.
George: Will you stay out of China!!
Condi: Yes, Sir.
George: And stay out of the Middle East! Just get me the guy at the U.N.!
Condi: Kofi?
George: All right! Light with sugar! Now get on the phone!
(Condi picks up the phone)
Condi: Rice here.
George: Rice? Good idea, and a couple of egg rolls, too!
注:1. Hu 与 Who 发音相同。
2. Yassir 是 阿拉法特 (Arafat) 的名字。
3. Kofi 是当时联合国秘书长的名字,其发音与 coffee 相同。
4. 美国前国家安全顾问的姓氏 Rice,与米饭同一字。 5. Geroge Bush 刚上台时,外交知识不佳,因而有此笑话嘲讽他。